Aviation Checkpoint
Fully-integrated, automated solutions
Leverage SAGC’s team of automation experts to build game-changing solutions. Learn how you can grow, improve and automate your systems in 2021. Our team facilitates secure, efficient passenger movement and enhances passenger experience through fully-integrated solutions in airports worldwide. WE deliver fast and frictionless solutions to deliver the highest level of threat detection while maintaining a seamless screening experience. Our portfolio combines leading screening technologies, AI/ML capabilities, and advanced biometric tools to deliver holistic airport security solutions.
Checkpoint X-ray
We deliver a range of checkpoint security X-ray solutions designed to detect banned items at security checkpoints and loading docks/warehouses. The advanced security checkpoint accommodate a full range of checkpoint, mail room and freight facilities.
Metal Detectors
Our metal detectors help screeners differentiate between harmless objects and potential threats. Choose elliptic or panel, sensitivity level and throughput for the right system to search for weapons, prevent theft or perform entry and exit screening.MachSecure
Mach-Secure products offer true value to airports, providing real time information to allow security personnel to make quick, informed decisions. The wholly integrated systems dramatically increase the overall efficiency of an airport’s security systems.
People Screening
TSA utilize millimeter wave advanced imaging technology and walk-through metal detectors to screen passengers. Millimeter wave advanced imaging technology safely screens passengers without physical contact for metallic and non-metallic threats, including weapons and explosives, which may be concealed under clothing. Our best-in-class people scanners are trusted by more than 250 airports and many non-aviation customers with more than 2,400 systems deployed across six continents.